In this trip led by Enrique Echazarra, researcher in Alava, we will tour the streets of Vitoria-Gasteiz while searching for legends and mysteries hidden in many of its hideouts. During a journey of approximately two hours, starting from the central...
The site where the old convent of San Francisco was located has been traditionally known as a source of paranormal incidents that have defied the logic and understanding of the people who have worked and lived in the buildings which...
Historical graveyards are probably the places where history and the fantastic bond in a special way. The sumptuous pantheons and narrow paths between the gravestones are the best setting for the appearance of legends and extraordinary narratives. The Santa Isabel...
Enrique Echazarra has been traveling through the old roads of Alava for decades in the search of fascinating stories: dark unsolved crimes, ghosts related to historical figures, the appearances of strange silhouettes on the road… Alava’s geography has an abundance...
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