
Kamishibai Theatre

Faculty of Arts

7 Nov, 2023


Riddles in the Dark

The activity we propose is the narration as a round of “Riddles in the Dark”, with original watercolours about the meeting of Bilbo, Gollum and the Ring.

Kamishibai is a Japanese popular way of telling illustrated stories. It is composed by a little wooden theatre the size of a suitcase, around which you can slide some sheets with thick-lined and simple drawings, bright-coloured and slightly mobile, while you slowly tell a story. Regardless of its apparent simplicity, Kamishibai is always a winner, as it has something magical about it that always manages to catch the attention of those who are keen on crossing the line that divides fantasy and reality.

The illustrator that will adapt J.R.R. Tolkien’s work to enable its telling is Patricia Manzarraga, a natural drawer in love with traditional techniques like watercolour, and, above all, passionate about constantly trying out shapes and techniques that allow lines and colours to dance and flow for the telling of stories.

Director and cartoonist