
Conservatorio Municipal de Danza José Uruñuela

Artium Museoa

6 Nov, 2023


“Tartalo. Week of the Fantastic in the Arts” Opening Ceremony.

Mirando al suelo no veo más que rocas

Choreography: Elvira Illana.

3rd & 4th year students

El título es parte de un Haiku de Taneda Santoka, poeta japonés que expresó a través de un poema lo que no vemos bajo nuestros pies. Él no vio más que rocas.
La coreografía parte de esta idea, la biodiversidad invisible, que hace referencia a aquellos organismos que, debido a su pequeño tamaño, son invisibles al ojo humano.
Hay quien opina que lo que hay debajo es más maravilloso que lo que hay encima, por esto, a través de la danza dibujaremos una conjunción de formas visibles para procurar mostrar lo invisible.

The title is part of a Haiku by Taneda Santoka, a Japanese poet who expressed through a poem what we do not see under our feet. He saw nothing but rocks.

The choreography is based on the idea of the invisible biodiversity, which refers to those organisms that are invisible to the human eye due to their small size.

Some people think that what is underneath is more wonderful than what is above. Therefore, through dance we will create a conjunction of visible forms to try to show the invisible.


Director of the Municipal Dance Conservatory Uruñuela
Conservatorio Municipal de Danza José Uruñuela

Artium Museoa

12 Nov, 2023


“Tartalo. Week of the Fantastic in the Arts” Closing Ceremony.


Choreography: Elvira Illana.

5th year students

The movements to be performed will be adapted to the lack of the bar, representing ‘the risk’ of the moment when students finish their training at the conservatory and go out to dance outside. What may seem like an abyss and a feeling of being in danger (‘arriskuan’ in Basque) becomes the creation of new movements that arise from adapting to an unknown situation.

Esto no es un tutú

Choreography: Elvira Illana.

6th year students

René Magritte painted a series of paintings between 1928 and 1929, entitled “The Treachery of Images”, which includes “Ceci n’est pas une pipe” (“This Is not a Pipe”). With it, the painter wanted to criticize ‘representation’. What we see in the painting is not a pipe, but its representation, and to prove this, he writes (or paints) a sentence that reads “Ceci n’est pas une pipe” underneath.

Based on this idea of Magritte’s, the choreography Esto no es un tutú, takes an element of dance that we all know, and presents it as choreographic ‘material’ where, in addition to its characteristics of colour or lightness, its use takes preference. Things are their use, not their form.

Director of the Municipal Dance Conservatory Uruñuela
Aurresku of honour

Casa de la cultura Ignacio Aldecoa kultura etxea

12 November


Aurresku of honour performed by a couple of ‘dantzaria’ to the award-winners