Conference Registration (2023)

Conference Registration Fees

All conference participants must pay the registration fee. For each presentation, at least one author must attend and pay the Conference registration fee. Delegates can choose any of the options given below to participate at the Conference. Please, see registration deadlines and payment instructions below.

Early registration dates

15 May – 30 June 2023
Authors (students), listeners, virtual delegates: €40
Authors (regular): 75€

Late registration dates

1 July – 15 September 2023
Authors (students), listeners, virtual delegates: €55
Authors (regular): €90

 The conference registration fee includes:

  • Admission to scientific sessions
  • All-conference materials
  • Tea/coffee (Wednesday through Friday)
  • Certificate of attendance (as well as a certificate of presentation when applicable)


The above fees apply to payments received by the indicated deadlines.
The conference registration fee does NOT include the following: accommodation, airport transfer, lunches/dinners, expense allowances, or weekend activities.

Cancellation Policy

In case of any cancellation or non-attendance, unfortunately, the registration fees are not refundable.

Payment Methods

By wire transfer (after sending your registration payment by bank wire transfer, scan the bank receipt and attach the PDF file in an email to
In the receipt, you must identify yourselves by adding your surname_TARTALO.

IBAN: ES46 2095 0292 98  3239000486