Iñaki Bazán

He holds a BA and a PhD, with a mention of excellence, in Geography and History by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He was a postdoctoral fellow at L’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales of Paris. He then returned to the UPV/EHU thanks to a grant of the Basque Government for the return of Basque doctors. Once this was over, he started working at the Department of Medieval, Modern and American History at the Faculty of Arts of UPV/EHU through a program of the Basque Government. Within this department, currently called Department of Philology and History, his research focuses on the Middle Ages, mainly on the world of crime, dissidence, social control and punishment; but also on topics like the cultural history of the Basque Country. He has produced around a hundred pieces of research.

He has been or still is the president of the department of History and Geography at the Sociedad de Estudios Vascos / Eusko Ikaskuntza; director of Centro de Historia del Crimen of Durango; Vicedean and Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the UPV/EHU; an evaluating member of Euskalit, professor and guest-speaker at several universities in Spain, Italy, France, Hungary, Rusia, Argentina, Chile, … ; and director and member of the scientific committee of many Spanish and international specialised journals like Clio & Crimen, Vasconia, Anahgramas o Calamus.